Beijing Great Wheel

Name Beijing Great Wheel
Height 208m (692.64ft)
Diameter 193m (642.7ft)
Country China
Location Chaoyang Park; Beijing
Number of Cabins 48
Passengers per Cabin 40
Seating Capacity 1920
Hourly Capacity 5760
Ride Duration (minutes) 20
Climate Controlled yes
Construction Cost $290 million USD
Status Delayed
Design/Manufacturer The Great Wheel Corporation
Type Fixed
Number of Turns (Rotations) Per Ride 1
VIP Area
Ticket Cost to Ride

Additional Notes: When completed it will be the world’s tallest observation wheel at 692.64 feet tall. There are 48 cabins capable of holding up to 40 people at one time resulting in a seating capacity of 1920 passengers at one time. The duration of the ride is 20 minutes, resulting in a total capacity of 5760 people per hour.

Beijing Great Wheel Pictures

beijing great wheel

Videos of the Beijing Great Wheel

Last revised on: 5/29/2013 7:34:13 PM
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