List of Wheels

Below is a complete list of Ferris Wheels around the world, including defunct Ferris wheels, observation wheels under construction, and those that are complete and open to the public. Use the arrows to sort the table by Name, Diameter, Location, Number of Gondolas, etc. Click the link to go to each individual wheel’s page to learn more about each one.


360 Pensacola Beach 60 USA 42 7/3/2012
Amuran 91 Japan 36 2004
Asiatique Sky 60 Tailand 42 12/15/2012
Aurora Wheel 90 Japan
Baghdad Eye 55 Iraq 40 2011
Beijing Great Wheel 208 China 48
Belfast Wheel 60 Ireland 42 2007
Big O 60 Japan 2006
Brighton Wheel 50 UK 36 10/24/2011
Changsha Ferris Wheel 120 China 48 10/1/2004
Chicago Wheel 80.4 USA 36 1893
Colossus 54.9 USA 32 1984
Cosmo Clock 21 112.5 Japan 60 3/18/1999
Daikanransha 115 Japan 64 1999
Diamond and Flower Ferris Wheel 117 Japan 68 2001
Enclosed Ferris Wheel 57 Turkmenistan 24 2011
Eurowheel 90 Italy 1999
Eye of the Emirates 60 UAE 42 2005
Eye on Malaysia (1) 60 Malaysia 42 1/6/2007
Eye on Malaysia (2) 101 Malaysia 54 2013
Ferris Wheel 55 Russia
Giant Wheel 80 80 Taiwan 40 2010
Giant Wheel USA
Grande Roue de Paris 100 France 1900
Great Smoky Mountain Skywheel 60.96 USA 42 2013
Great Wheel 94 UK 40 7/17/1895
Golden Gate Flyer 728ft USA 36 TBD
Harbin Ferris Wheel 110 China 63 2003
Helsinki Wheel 50 Finland 36 2013
HEP Five Wheel 106 Japan 52 1998
High Roller 167.6 USA 28 2013
Jeddah Eye 150 Saudi Arabia
Kaohsiung Eye 102.5 Taiwan 36 5/12/2007
La Grande Roue 60 60 Tajikistan 36 2012
London Eye 135 UK 32 3/9/2000
Mall of Asia Eye 55 Phillippines 36 12/18/2011
Mashhad Ferris Wheel 80 Iran 2005
Mickey's Fun Wheel 48.8 USA 24 2/8/2001
Miramar Ferris Wheel 95 Taiwan 48 2004
Moscow-850 73 Russia 40 1997
Myrtle Beach Sky Wheel 57 USA 42 5/20/2011
Navy Pier Ferris Wheel 46 USA 40 7/1/1995
New York Wheel 192.02 USA 36 2016
Niagara SkyWheel 53.3 Canada 42 6/17/2006
Nippon Moon Japan 32 2015
Observation Wheel Leeds 60 UK 40 2/16/2013
Orlando Eye 129.54 USA 30 2014
Pacific Wheel 40 USA 2008
Paris Big Wheel 60 France 42 6/22/1905
Polaris Tower 72 S Korea 36 1993
Roue de Paris 60 France 42 2000
Seattle Great Wheel 53.3 USA 42 6/29/2012
Shanghai Ferris Wheel 108 China 63 2003
Shining Flower Wheel 50 Japan 32 1966
Singapore Flyer 165 Singapore 28 4/15/2008
Sky Dream Fukuoka 120 Japan 2001
Sky Scraper 45 USA 36 1991
Sky Wheel 88 Taiwan 50 1990
SkyView 60 USA 42 7/16/2013
SkyVue 152.4 USA 32 2013
Space Eye 100 Japan 1990
Star of Lake Tai 115 China 64 2008
Star of Nanchang 160 China 60 5/5/2006
Star of Puebla 80 Mexico 54 7/8/2013
Steel Pier Ferris Wheel 60 USA 42 2014
Stieger Ferris Wheel 60 42 1980
Suzhou Ferris Wheel 120 China 60 5/21/2009
Tbilisi Ferris Wheel 80 Georgia 2010
Technostar 85 Japan 48 1985
Tempozan Ferris Wheel 112.5 Japan 60 7/12/1997
Texas Star 64.6 USA 44 1985
The Dubai Eye 210 Dubai 2015
The Southern Star 120 Australia 21 2008
Tianjin Eye 120 China 48 4/5/2009
Unknown 130 Japan 2015
Wheel of Brisbane 60 Australia 42 2008
Wheel of Perth 50 Australia 36 1/1/2009
Wiener Riesenrad 64.75 Austria 15 1897
Wonder Wheel 45.7 USA 24 1920
Yorkshire Wheel
Zhengzhou Ferris Wheel 120 China 48 2003

Revised: 9-5-13

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